Sunday, November 29, 2009

I Need some advice, DOCTOR'S or MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS ONLY PLEASE!!!!! How to understand oral f

A coworker was called to give an oral fluid sample at work as a "random" drug test. They claim it was random, but the company had been trying to terminate the employee after they had missed work for (Dr.'s documented/required) illness. The employee gave the sample in the HR manager's office. 13 DAYS later they were notified that they tested pos. for methamphetamine(40ngs)amphetamines(negat... and 4 other drugs with smaller than cutoff level amounts showing, but negative on those drugs also. No chain of custody was given for this sample, and no explanation for the length of time it took. The results have no name of any MRO anywhere on the page, (nor any other info on who conducted/handled this test) The employee requested the sample be retested, at the time of dismissal, by way of union grievance, (which was ignored) The grievance also inquired whether the company would accept a hair follicle test as reliable, (also ignored) Is it possible this person truly does not use drugs?

I Need some advice, DOCTOR'S or MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS ONLY PLEASE!!!!! How to understand oral fluid drug test

get an attorney , contact the labor baord somthin; fishy

I Need some advice, DOCTOR'S or MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS ONLY PLEASE!!!!! How to understand oral fluid drug test

yes it's always possible.

I Need some advice, DOCTOR'S or MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS ONLY PLEASE!!!!! How to understand oral fluid drug test

Not likely that he doesn't use drugs. That test is pretty sensitive and employers usually use cheaper tests. They must have really wanted to prove thier point or they were concerned about a u/a for some reason (like he had a history of tampering).

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