Thursday, November 26, 2009

Am i ok for drug test?

i shared a small joint with someone about 25 days ago for the first and only time in my life right after my mom was murdered. it was stupid i know-at the time i was like-screw it. then I got a job interview a week later for the hospital. now they want me to go in for pre-employment screening sometime next week. it's already been 25 days-more by the time i drug test. i drank a gallon of gatorade yesterday and plan to drink another 4 gal of water this weekend. i took a home drug test -it came out negative but the hospital is more sophisticated and there's a chance i might have a hair test-but i think just urine. should i be honest and tell them the situation or am i ok for a urine test at least and shouldn't say anything this job is super important to me


Am i ok for drug test?

You're fine. DO NOT admit to them you smoked. Continue drinking water.

Am i ok for drug test?

urine, yes

hair, no

sorry to hear about your mom..

Am i ok for drug test?

you are okay. don't volunteer anything.

Am i ok for drug test?

Oh I'm sorry I didn't read all the question.

Am i ok for drug test?

Get a haircut and take the test. If it's been at least ~30 days by the time you take it, you should be fine. Contest if you turn up positive, say that you ate a large quantity of poppy or sesame seeds

Am i ok for drug test?

As long as you only smoked that one small joint and never did it again you should be fine because it should have all washed out of your system by now. If the test came back positive thats when I would explain the situation to them but if it does not(which it should be negative) then you could tell them and they will be able to tell the amount anyway.

Am i ok for drug test?

That's a tough one - I would say nothing because if you do, it might blow your one chance. I don't think one small joint would do it and if they say something, just tell them you didn't do anything. I've seen cases where people eating a lot of poppy seeds will pop positive on a drug test, but that doesn't mean they are. The tests still make mistakes every now and then and they can never be 100% sure (unless you did a lot of drugs).

Am i ok for drug test?

Am i ok for drug test?

say nothing it should be out of your system good luck

Am i ok for drug test?

First let me say how sorry I as to hear about your loss. Do not tell them anything. If the home test was neg. then you should be good to go, for a urine test. They are pretty much the same. if they do a hair follicle test, the test will come back positive. I believe that type of test takes up to six months. Most places only do the urine test, but there is also a chance that the urine can be to clean, so be careful how much water you drink. if they suspect that it is to clean, they will want to do the next test. Good Luck to you.

Am i ok for drug test?

don't admit anything take the test see what happens. I really don't thing you need to worry about it.

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