Sunday, November 29, 2009

I don't do drugs but I came up positive for THC in a urine test then fired,a hair test came up

I had a safety sensitive job,I got tested for drugs frequently,5 times a month,by the Human Resourses Department as did my co-workers,for a year. I had a urine analysis test come up positive for THC,I think the collection process was screwed up!could that happen? I don't do drugs and I don't drink,after I was released from the company I had my own U/A test done and spent 100 bucks on a hair strand test...both those came up negative for any substances...I have a meeting with Human Resources tomorrow to see if they will consider rehireing me...Has anybody heard of something like this before? What is the best way to present my case?I want my job back!Its good money and satisfying work...K

I don't do drugs but I came up positive for THC in a urine test then fired,a hair test came up neg,what now?

Have you taken any prescribed pain killers that would contain:

Synthetic THC, also known under the substance name dronabinol, is available as a prescription drug (under the trade name Marinol) in several countries including the USA, The Netherlands, and Germany. In the United States, Marinol is a Schedule III drug, available by prescription, considered to be non-narcotic and to have a low risk of physical or mental dependence. An analog of dronabinol, nabilone, is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance; it is available commercially in the US under the trade name Cesamet, manufactured by Lilly. Efforts to get cannabis rescheduled as analogous to Marinol have not succeeded thus far. As a result of the rescheduling of Marinol from Schedule II to Schedule III, refills are now permitted for this substance. Marinol has been approved by the FDA in the treatment of anorexia of AIDS patients, as well as for refractory nausea and vomiting of patients undergoing chemotherapy.

In April 2005, Canadian authorities approved the marketing of Sativex, a mouth spray for multiple sclerosis to alleviate pain. Sativex contains tetrahydrocannabinol together with cannabidiol. It is marketed in Canada by GW Pharmaceuticals, being the first cannabis-based prescription drug in the world.

Or, could you have been in the presence of the drug and picked up something second hand without realizing? This would not show up in the hair test (I wouldn't think) because it would be a short time thing.

Good Luck - I hope you get your job back!

I don't do drugs but I came up positive for THC in a urine test then fired,a hair test came up neg,what now?

talk about "false positives" re: the urine test. It could very well be possible. Also, there could've been a screwup w/the folks who processed your UA. (the ol' human error thing). Lastly, present your hair strand test and UA test. If you ultimately are fired, then look into consulting a lawyer!

I don't do drugs but I came up positive for THC in a urine test then fired,a hair test came up neg,what now?

You have an excellent chance of getting your job back with the documentation you have. You should also ask if the test was a "confirmed positive" result...which means it was run again on the same sample and reviewed by a physician. Also, thoroughly review your company's drug testing policy. Sometimes they allow for a retest, which you should be offered.

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