Sunday, November 29, 2009

Drug test questions?

OK. i am hoping from an answer from someone who actually works in some type of lab.....

first off, i have gone a year on probation, smoking 3 weeks out of 4 and still passed every test. all i did was take a napkin and get some bleach on it, then drop about 7 drops into a gallon jug of water. i drink that over the span of a day or so. if i felt like i needed more, i would do it again the next day. also, make sure to you 2 or 3 pisses out before going to the test. the first of the day are the dirtiest.

now to my questions.... working for UPS or fedex, should i expect a hair test, urine test or a mouth swab test?

what type of test do you see fail most often?

Drug test questions?

Most companies, when contracting to do drug testing order their tests in bulk. Price, obviously comes into play, because well.. everyone is cheap. So anyways although we have the capabilities to run a hair test fairly easily the chemicals involved are rather expensive compared to a urine analysis and thus not a normal method for a business to seek. A mouth swab test is not completely accurate, depending on what lab. There are no large companies that i know of that have periodic mouth swab tests.

As far as accuracy.. The results must be definitive for them to be reported as positive. So urine tests are actually semi unrealiable, that's why we require 30-45 ml at least. So that we can run up to 3 tests on them. And.. you are only reported as positive if you are over a certain limit, due to some natural occuring triggers in organic food. or if there has been a pattern of traces.

So, as far as a recommendation.. Don't smoke, but if you have too.. eat alot of food the day before.. It absorbs alot of THC and then commence drinking alot of beer.. a sample with a concentration over a certain limit will null the sample... lol.. but then again you'll pretty much have to be intoxicated when you donate. Or you can drink a ton of water untill your urine looks clear as day...

Hope that helps.

Drug test questions?

First off, stop drinking bleach....this will surely kill whatever brain cells remain after smoking your stash....

Second, Piss tests are used most commonly because it is a waste product of your body....Hair and mouth swab tests are considered more intrusive and most companies will not touch the DNA dispute..

Third, I believe both companies have a random drug test policy.

Fourth, if you get hired, you have to promise not to smoke before work....I ship a lot of stuff and would hate to know that your smoking contributed to it!

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