this guy my mom is seeing doesnt smoke weed, but she does.
he got fired from his job %26amp; tried to say that its because he was in the room with her a few times when she smoked.
they tested his hair. i personally dont think it would be possible to test positive just from being around it.
what do u think?? do they test the root of the hair? does anyone know anything about this technique?
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
They test the hair in sections (chop it up). From the distance from the root they can work out when the person last had the drug and how long they used it for. I dont know if the test is senstive enough to pick up second hand smoke.
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
They test the hair folical- uh - not from her second hand smoke - but him doing his own smoking. Good Luck
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
If he's inhaling the smoke from her pot, it could feasibly get into his system. The hair and the vitreous of the eye (the thick liquid in the eye that gives it its shape) are the last two places that toxins can show up for testing.
Or...he may have 'just tried' one of her joints one time and got caught.
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
He's a big, fat liar. No, it is impossible for his hair to have tested positive from second hand smoke. Ridiculous. He smoked himself and it will test positive by hair test for 3-6 months.
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
It actually is possible. The hair follicle test tests for the residue evidence of the marijuana.
I personally think it's a good idea. My mother always said you are the company you keep. Employers don't care if it's you or your grandma that smokes pot. You are both one in the same to them.
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
actually yes he could if he is around it enough just like 2nd hand smoke.
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
It is ABSOLUTELY possible to test positive when you are only "around" someone who smokes weed, i.e. pot.
Now, they can use your hair and they do take it from the root and looking at your hair can tell how long ago and how long the exposure, not only to pot but any drug or medication.
You hair is like a tree trunk, as your hair grows whatever medications or drugs were in your body at the time of your hair growth is brought out through your hair strand. NOTHING can make this disappear out of your hair except for completely shaving your hair and stop the medication or drug exposure.
Depending on what type of job your moms boyfriend had could have fired him not just because of exposure but because of associating with someone who does illegal drugs.
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
He was smoking the weed.
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
yeah, if they really wanna drug test you they will take your hair...
he can superceed this by taking a urine test to prove he did not smoke it or ablood test
Drug testing using a strand of hair?
OK - straight out. If you mom sealed him in a plastic bag and blew her smoke in for a couple weeks, he could possibly get enough pot in him before he was asphyxiated from lack of oxygen. YES _ HE SMOKED and nothing he claims will change that. Oh - in the plastic bag he died in less than 5 minutes so he couldn't inhale and did not need the drug test.
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