I was offered and guranteed a job for the post office. Do you know if they do a Hair sample drug sreening or a urine sample.
if its a hair sample how many years does it go back and is there a way around it?
Drug Test???
Holley W is right on the money,cut your hair back to a time you weren't using,a hair follicle is like an ice core(same principal) except they grind the whole strand(s) and put it into a spectrometer....you cant fake it..and that is the new fad these days,because trust me I could beat the best urine tests they had,untill I decided enough was enough and failed one on purpose deciding not to use my mojo to pass it and face up to reality..............................goo... luck
Drug Test???
shave your head.
Drug Test???
They probably just do a urine sample. Hair samples are usually used when the court is involved. Also, hair samples can read back to the entire life span of that hair. So, if you've never had a haircut, it would show all the drugs you've ever done.
Drug Test???
hair testing goes back as old as your hair is - 6 months, a year... depending on how long your hair is.
If you shave your head, they WILL take chest hair, leg hair or arm hair instead, so don't think you can get around this.
If they are smart, they WILL take a hair sample. You are NOT guaranteed a job until you pass a drug screening and probably a health physical. Sorry.
Drug Test???
Diif porn shops sell shampoo to wash the toxins out of your hair, just like the 30min detox drinks you can buy.
I know 2 people that used the shampoo, and both still have their jobs.
Drug Test???
would think they would be concerned most with what presently shows - anyone could make bad choices from years past
Drug Test???
I think they only do urine tests. A friend of mine was just hired and she smokes so she purchased a kit to "clean" out her system. NOT COVER IT. Apparently it costed her $150 for the 7-day system that cleans out your body and also includes shampoo for your hair. I'm not sure where she purchased it and she isn't answering my call right now so I'd say to visit your local tobacco or smoke novelty shop or do an internet search. Good Luck.
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