The common belief is that hair can show drug use (of most drugs) for 6 months or more, but if done correctly the test is only accurate for use in the last 90 days.
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
5 years
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
Hmmmmmm I think about 6 months or more.
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
Yes. In the past 24 hours at the follicle.
They can see how long you've used drugs by the length of your hair. They test the end of your hair also to see how long you've been using drugs.
They can only go as far back as your hair is long.
If you have let your hair grow for 10 years and you had been using drugs for 10 years, they will see that at the bottom of the hair strand.
The purpose of testing the hair follicle is to see when was the LAST time you used drugs. That will show up if you used drugs in the last 24 hours.
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
90 days
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
far. several months
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
Don't do drugs and then you won't have to worry!!
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
Depends on how long your hair is. At least 90 days.---
Hair testing provides longer detection periods (approximately 90 days) and is particularly well suited and effective in pre-employment and random testing. The shorter detection periods available with urine or saliva are effective with post accident and reasonable suspicion testing.
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
I don't but i have had some experience with many of these products, and as of yet i have not used one or read any research on any that work consistenly, without having to resort to surgery.
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
7 years
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
melissa is right... it is 90 days.
ignore these idiots who are telling you it goes back years.
Does anyone know how far back a hair follicle test for drugs goes back???
3 to 6 months and forget about shaving your head! they can use hair off your arms, legs, pubic area any place you grow it they can test it from
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