Sunday, June 20, 2010

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

I just applied for a job at Raley's, and I am probably going to get the job, but I have just learned that they do a test where they use your hair, and they can track whether you have used any sort of drug for the last six months. I'm a good kid, but I smoked some weed about 4 months ago and I am hella worried that I will fail the test. I want the job badly and I won't know what to tell my mom if I fail. Will I fail? Is there anything I can do?

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

if you've not been called on the carpet for this or been arrested, just forget it and don't cop to it.

The stuff they're using is not that sophisticated for 4 months.

Its not the morgue. CSI

forgive yourself now and get the job and consider this a good lesson for the future and lots of testing in the future.

If you cop to it,they'll write it down and that's admitting the offense and can be used in the future for future jobs.

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

look, think positive rather than negative. Its not the end of the world. Just do not cop to it no matter what the results. Don't talk to your best friends about it, go to your doctor and get some additional advise. If all else fails, prolong the job for 90 days. Report It

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

my magic 8 ball (not the kind you are thinking of) says

"outlook not good"

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

I dont know , but all i can tell you is that drugs will ruin your life. Stay away from them from here on out and focus on getting the job and getting your education.

Here's some advice, dont know if it will help. Dont eat anything with poppy seeds on it (like hamburgers) before you take the test, sometimes they will show up as drugs.

If you fail, tell your mom the truth, but also tell her that you have learned your lesson (which hopefully you have) and that you wont do drugs again. Good luck, I hope you get the job. :-)

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

Well if you smoked once or twice, you should be fine. However if you somked anymore than that, you might be in somie trouble, maybe you shouldnt have done it in the first place!

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

Sorry, but you reap what you sow. If they discover it, then you just have to move on and find a new job. Keep putting in your applications and hopefully you'll get a different job so you won't have to come up with an excuse for your parents on why you didn't get the Raley's job.

However, when it comes down to it - Tell them the truth. Well, if you think it's worth it anyway. If you're really a good kid, they'll forgive you.

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

use someone elses hair? i never did weed or anything but thats what people do haha dont do it again though! im nto suggesting u lie haha

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

I am really interested in who you got your information from? They would of informed you about drug testing at the first interview if they were interested. Generally they do a simple urine test which is only good at the maximum for a month.

Don't do anymore drugs! If you fail the test demand a retake and tell your Mom you don't know what happened.

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

I think it takes 6 weeks to get weed out of your system.

Keep on being the good guy of staying away from drugs and keep making your Mom proud of ya.


Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

It can take up to 30 days for marijuana to leave your system via urine. For blood tests, marijuana can stay in your hair follicles for up to 3 years, or in some cases depending on the usage, for the life of the hair strand. If you have very short hair, I recommend getting a good trim, and hope for the best. Don't lie, and don't demand a retest if you fail. The seed of doubt will already be planted in the recruiter's head, and they'll choose someone else. Also, don't try to buy one of those fraudulent "clean your pee" tests they scam on the internet. They don't work. Depending on which sensitive test the company invests in, the ingredients in some cough syrups and cold medicines will show up.

Whoever thinks a company wouldn't pay the money to do the advanced test, think again. Even investing a year into someone who turns out to have a drug addiction costs big money to replace, retrain, and reinvest into another employee taking their place. It's well worth the money to do pre-hire drug testing. Also keep in mind, if they do pre-hire drug testing, they may also have a policy in fine print somewhere in the Employee manual to allow random drug testing at any time, and to refuse to do so is considered an automatic admission of guilt. You're allowed to refuse it, but the company does not have to keep you employed if you do.

Shannon T.

Supervisor, %26amp; Chemical Dependency Counselor.

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

I wonder are you still smoke weed ? if you stop maybe you will pass drug test by drink at least 1liter water a day until day you take the test ,remember you will go to rest room a lot

Also company they will tell you take drug test any time after they hire.

Good luck

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

The clean your self kits don't work. Neither does drinking a lot of water.

Each company tests for different drugs, and also set a "thresshold" of what will trigger a fail. In other words some compaines won't care if you smoked once or twice, others will.

Am I going to fail this drug test?!?

If they are doing the hair test, it will most likely come up. They are extremely accurate. Get yourself a nice short haircut - really short and hope for the best.

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