Sunday, June 20, 2010

In famly law court what kind of drug test would be issued !?

urine or hair no prev.drug history

In famly law court what kind of drug test would be issued !?

I can virtually guarantee it will be a urine screen... Testing hair samples is extremely expensive...

Our department administers urine screens for civil/family matters in our Courts on a regular basis...

In famly law court what kind of drug test would be issued !?

Urine. Don't ask how I know. Hair and blood is mostly for D.N.A. testing.

In famly law court what kind of drug test would be issued !?

Urine, but it depends if they make u go to a drug rehab ur urine might be sent to a lab where they can tell by Ur creatine level if u have flushed Ur system. but if u get tested by a court official or a PO then most often they use the dip stick. and those test are easy to beat. GNC has a drink called Qcarbo which completely flushes Ur system. but like i said if the urine gets sent to a lab they will notice the increase in creatine

In famly law court what kind of drug test would be issued !?

Usually urine, but if you test positive they may order a hair follicle test.

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