Friday, June 18, 2010

Do you think that taking one hit of a marijuana cigarette three weeks ago make you fail a drug test?

I haven't smoked previous to that since June, and it was only one full joint then and i've probably only smoked less than a dime bag the entire year. I'm about 6'2" and weigh 207. Not alot of fat. What about hair tests?

Do you think that taking one hit of a marijuana cigarette three weeks ago make you fail a drug test?


Marijuana can be found in urine tests up to a month after your last smoking/taking of it. However, it can be found up to 3 *years* after you last took it in a hair follicle test.

Hope this helps.

Do you think that taking one hit of a marijuana cigarette three weeks ago make you fail a drug test?

Technically, you should wait until a month after smoking pot before being drug tested (unless you want to fail it). But if it was just one hit, then you'll be fine. I'd say go for it! Hair test?! Absolutely no need to worry about that! ...and i know a lot about marijuana...

Do you think that taking one hit of a marijuana cigarette three weeks ago make you fail a drug test?

if it is a urine test drink alot of water. it stays in your fats. if it's a hair test your sol.for a urine test use ready clean when used properly it is full proof

Do you think that taking one hit of a marijuana cigarette three weeks ago make you fail a drug test?

Probably not. The person who only takes a hit or two off a joint once in a blue moon, will be very unlikely to fail a piss test. It is the habitual user that will get found out rather quickly from the piss tests. THC is stored in body fat and builds up from habitual casual use over time. It is the chronic pot smoker that government and businesses seek to avoid hiring, not the occassional user which would be nearly impossible to detect. Still the gov. is busy improving the tests to be able to hopefully even nail the occassional user.

Note: For you pot smokers out there. THC residues are stored in your body fat. So what happens if you go on the subway diet and lose a lot of weight? The THC stored there is released and metabolized by your body, meaning you'll really blow the hell out of a piss test, even if you've not used any pot for SIX MONTHS after years of habitual use!

You want freedom, then work toward creating a Libertarian climate in this country not unlike the Netherlands, where you can go to a restaurant and buy a beer, ham sandwich and a joint! Otherwise, too bad for you when you get caught. Those who will not fight for their freedoms don't deserve them.

It's true the rational man or woman finds no reason to criminalize Marijuana smoking or distribution or propagation, but our government is not currently run by rational people! Sorry Amiguito! The Netherlands IS run by rational people. That's why in Holland, prostitution, gambling and marijuana are all LEGAL. Fat chance of this happening in the USA which is moving towards a fascist police state!

Do you think that taking one hit of a marijuana cigarette three weeks ago make you fail a drug test?

my boyfriend is a small guy 110lbs.and he smokes a few joints in a week two weeks from the day he last smoked he had to give a drug test 4 his p.o.and he is based in your weight and how good your metabalism works.faster the better.

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