Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

I went threw cancer %26amp; smoked here %26amp; there for the bad nausea I had during chemo.I thinking about going back to work PT,%26amp; one of the companies are asking to take a blood test.I know there is a few different test,I don't have any hair right now,so i know they can't take it by a hair strand.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

For an urine or blood drug test, THC metabolites [the active ingredient in marijuana] show up for a period of 28 to 30 days after the last time you smoked. If a hair sampling drug test is done, it may take months or even years [if you're long-haired] for THC traces to disappear completely from your system. But, if you smoked for medical reasons [marijuana is a medically recognized treatment for nausea and vomiting in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy; it even comes in pill form, under the brand name of MARINOL; get your oncologist to prescribe it for your use], then you can't be discriminated against or otherwise penalized if a positive result comes back. It's unconstitutional and illegal to do so, because it may constitute discrimination against your person in basis of a disabling condition. You may want to consult an attorney regarding this issue for further advise. Good luck, and hope that you get better real soon.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

about 24 hours, it depends on who much u smoke

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

i heard 3 days

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

i think it needs 1 month to be completely gone (the more water you drink, the sooner it goes)

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

30 days to be safe

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

two weeks to a month depending on how hydrated you are

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

Modern testing can detect it up to about 6 months, I believe.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

You'll probably be fine. You have to smoke a LOT and quite recently to fail a dope test.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

2 to 4 weeks

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

THC enters your spine as well and can be traced there for up to two weeks after last consumption.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

FYI, they can take hair from any part of your body... not just your head. If you smoked marijuana for medicinal purposes then you should have a doctor's note...

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

more than one month

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

i dont know you druggy

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

i can take up to 2 weeks to get out of your system...my friend just went through this and he drak a detox thing to get it out extra fast

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

On average it's like 30 days, depending how often you used it. If you used it constantly, it stays in your system longer. If you just used it very occasionally and not that much at a time, you might be clear in a couple weeks.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

It all depends on how much you smoke. IF you smoke everyday it can take from three to five weeks but if you dont smoke everyday (heavy) than it can take two to three weeks.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

24 hours is wrong a month is usually it depends on the amount that you smoked and and of time longer the years more tar from THC remains in the fatty tissues

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

months. traces can be detected in both hair and nails, but to be fair those are very expensive tests and not typical of the ones used for employment screening. several weeks is a good estimate. check out the internet for advice on masking, but check with a lawyer before you spend any money since you may have a legitimate medical imperative.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

cannabis is stored in the fat cells of the body. It can take up to a month or even longer for it to stop showing in urine screens.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

Your right they can take a strand of hair and pinpoint to the day of your last smoke.Urine test around three days.Blood tests up to a few months as itis stored in the fat cells of your body. Bugga!

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

It depends on how much you smoked and for how long. I've hear 1 month as a good rule of thumb, but you can take golden seal to speed that up.

The company will most likely only ask for a urin or blood test. Testing the hair or spine is too expensive for recruiting purposes.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

bullshit. if you move around a lot and go to the toilet about 10 times a day it should be out of your system in 72 hours.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

Are you sure you don't have any hair? My company will take it from the armpit.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

It is 30 days, however drinking lots of water, cranberry juice would help clear it out. There are over the counter products, I have heard, available at health stores, that sell vitamins. Although, I think in your situation, I may just tell them the truth... afterall, you have a legitimate reason for having used it, since it is universally known to help with nausea. God bless you, and protect you.... :))

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

They are going to ask you to for a urine sample. Unless its a government position. All of these other screenings are very expensive. Ok, back to the question. It is stored in your fat cells. So the more fat, the longer it will take to leave your system. It takes about 30 days on average to leave your system. But they have all kinds of pills and drinks you can buy to make sure you pass the test. One that I know works is Herbal clean. You can buy it at GNC. It is behind the counter so you are going to have to ask for it. Otherwise do a yahoo search on Herbal clean. The last time I bought some it was $40.00 for 10 pills, you take them all within 60 minutes and you are "GOOD" for 4-5 hours after taking the last pills. Follow the directions on the package. There are other websites that can help you too. www.passyourdrugtest.com Just do a internet search, you will find everything you need. Good luck.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

typical blood test do not pick up mary jane. They are screening for real drugs. Go for the job. If for some reason it's discovered that you smoked pot, explain what it helped you with. That's exactly what medical marijuana does, it helps! It's legal for cancer patients to smoke pot...in fact the US government grows/supplies med MJ to several patients in the USA right now.

BTW, If you happen to live in Canada, you should not give this a second thought.

How long does it take for cannabis to leave your body to pass a drug test?

If you smoke regularly, it takes 30 days.

If you smoke every now and then, 10-14 days.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

Recently my girlfriend tried to kill herself by slitting her wrists, she was saved luckily. But, when she got to the hospital a blood test revealed Cocaine, Anphetamines, and Canibus in her blood. For some strange reason when she told me that she didnt take any of them I belived her something tells me she is telling the truth. Now her parents think I have been slipping her drugs, I just want to prove to them that she must have gotten a false positive, and I am having a hair test done on me to show that I am not on any then how could she because we share a lot together. These are the medications she takes:








We are sexually active together

Could she hav gotten it from kissing j/w

Please cite your sources if any I want to show that she is inocent please also only show stuff that is relevant no advice or opions I need facts so I can help her I know that she is telling the truth.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

she's lying. none of her current meds would cause a false positive for those drugs. Cold meds can cause a false positive for amphetamines, but the positive test for coke, pot and speed tell you she has a serious drug problem in addition to her depression.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

the fact that she tested positive for all those things is suspicious eating poppy seeds like on a bun can cause a false positive for opiates buts thats all i know of

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

She might want to get tested again. The test tube may have not been cleaned properly before the tests were taken in the first place. So get her doctor to have arange to get her tested again.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

She for sure needs to be tested again. If this test comes back positive, then maybe you do not know her as well as you think. A hair sample of hers would also be a good ideal.

If she tried to kill herself, there must be a lot more going on than you know.

No, she can't get a drug into her body from kissing.

Good luck to the both of you.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

Well, do you know that your girlfriend is faithful. My friend doesn't do drugs but her husband does. She swallows and when her job gave her a random drug test, she tested positive for all the drugs he does- TRUE STORY- She had to go to her doctor to get written consent so that she can get her job back. So, either she does those drugs, you do drugs, or she is cheating on you with someone who does them, b/c false positives are very very unlikely, and almost impossible for 3 different drugs.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

Its really hard now to prove that at the time she was not on drugs like cocaine because she already tested positive. The only thing would be to do what your doing by taking a test to show her parents you are clean and for her to have another test done to show that since the attempted suicide she has been clean. I know you want to believe your girlfriend but chances are she did have trace amounts of those drugs in her system at the time she tried to kill herself. Whether she snorted coke or it was laced (maybe without her knowing) on something else. I hope her family is not just concentrating on the drugs but also the reasons why she tried to kill herself and get her some serious help. Usually, when someone attempts suicide they are just calling out for help and don't really want to take their own lives... but she may end up doing that with her next suicide attempt. Take Care.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

No, you can't tranfer drugs by kissing...................... And you don't do drugs, so that makes even less sense..........................

Some of the medication she takes may contain some amphetamines... Usually when you take a drug test they ask if you're on any medication, so they know that if something comes up, they can expect it from this drug.... But if something comes up that isn't related to the medication, they know it's from drug abuse...

Cocaine is an illegal drug that is not found in any medication. And THC is only found in cannibus, which she does not have a perscription to.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

There are several prescription and OTC medications that can produce a falsely positive drug test result. Your girlfriend isn't taking any of them. That, combined with the fact that she hit on not one but three substances makes me think you don't have the whole story. Bottom line - the medications she is taking did not cause the positive drug test. Your girlfriend obviously has some issues.....if you need to prove to her parents that she isn't continuing on the drugs or that you aren't a part of it go ahead. A hair test would tell you if she has done the drugs....not if she is currently doing them. So it would come back positive even if she hasn't done any since her suicide attempt. Either way, you need to sit down with her and have a tough conversation. You don't have the whole story.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

You need to wake up and smell the coffee. This girl is abusing drugs. The thing is, drug abusers are *the* best liars in this world. I was married to one that lied to me so much, after I figured it out, I could not discern what he had ever told me was true or false. I divorced him, as did his next two wives, and he died at age 48 of drug and alcohol abuse.

You *will* get caught up in the vortex of lies unless you open your eyes and realize that she is not being truthful to you, in a big way. The fact that you sense that she is telling the truth means that she really knows how to play you. Did the fact that she slit her wrists not send you some sort of signal?

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

LISTEN UP! She is lying and she is going to take you down with her. When people are suicidal they will say and do anything. Get away from her. Get clean yourself if you need to. You'll never have a good relationship with her, or the family with this cloud of suspicion even if she is telling the truth -BUT SHE's NOT.

False Positive On Drug Tests are they Possible and what can cause it?

Actually, ibuprofen can cause a false positive for cannabis on the drug screens that hospitals use. There are several sources that state this, you can look around the Internet. The possibility that all three positives are the result of innocent meds seems remote though.

Has anyone taken a hair follicle test and NEVER used COCAINE and tested positive? It happened to me.

I tested positive on a hair follicle test for Cocaine. Problem: Never used, never been around it and I've never had a drug problem! I am very worried about this! I finally passed a hair follice but the problem is I should have passed it the first time. This mishap, or whatever you want to call it has kept me from my 18 month old little girl. I had to take a hair follicle test and put my foot in my mouth because I volunteered to take a hair follicle because I knew I would pass the test! When I got the results back, to my surprise I was told the test was positive for cocaine. I was told that there is no possible way for me to test a "false" positive because I had to have done the drug. I told them it was some sort of mistake. I am researching this crap to find out if there is anyone out there that has had this happen to them because I would like to know how many other times this has happened to other's like myself, or if anyone knows about these tests. Thank you so very much!!!

Has anyone taken a hair follicle test and NEVER used COCAINE and tested positive? It happened to me.?

Have you been to a dentist lately? If you had a shot of novocaine? Or been to a doctor - lidocaine or benzocaine. These could possible be the cause of it.

Has anyone taken a hair follicle test and NEVER used COCAINE and tested positive? It happened to me.?

I would say the hair got mixed up at the lab. I would do another one.

Has anyone taken a hair follicle test and NEVER used COCAINE and tested positive? It happened to me.?

This could be THEIR fault because they got the lab results mixed up. Everyone is human, and just because they work in a lab doesn't mean they don't make mistakes. Since passing the second one, they should own up to their mistake, especially since there is no such thing as a false postive. I sincerely hope you have your daughter back.

Secert service drug testiong questions?

I would like to presue a career in secert service but i know they do drug tests and screening i havent smoked marijuana since jan or feburary of 2007 and im only 17 and to get the job u must be atleast 21 so if i dont smoke mary j will i able to pass there drug test?? and how do they drug test by hair sample or urinaliysis?

Secert service drug testiong questions?

dont worry about the drugs,

you will never be accepted into the program IF you do not learn how to spell

What type of drug screening does the TSA give candidates?

I have to go for a screening in the middle of next month. They are sending me a FedEx package with stuff for a drug test. I'm not supposed to open it, just bring it to the clinic the day of my physical exam. Does anyone know for certain if it is a urine test or a hair test or what?

What type of drug screening does the TSA give candidates?

It will be a urine test.

DO NOT OPEN the box, the clinic will do that.

Also make sure to bring the paperwork they made you fill out.

What type of drug screening does the TSA give candidates?

It is probably the standard urine test.

What is an EMIT test?

I figure it's a drug test since I'm going in for an interview, but is it a preliminary urine test, blood test, hair test?

Are the letters short for something?

Just curious since I've never heard of it before and never done a drug test.

What is an EMIT test?

The Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique, or EMIT, is a common method for screening urine and blood for drugs, whether legal or illicit. It is part of the homogeneous immunoassay.

The technique is relatively nonspecific compared to some other analysis methods, such as mass spectrometry, but has the advantage of being fast and inexpensive. It has, however, been shown in some cases to be somewhat inaccurate in its findings. The patent for EMIT technology is owned by the Syva Corporation of Palo Alto, CA.

What is an EMIT test?

The Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique, or EMIT, is a common method for screening urine and blood for drugs, whether legal or illicit. It is part of the homogeneous immunoassay.

The technique is relatively nonspecific compared to some other analysis methods, such as mass spectrometry, but has the advantage of being fast and inexpensive. It has, however, been shown in some cases to be somewhat inaccurate in its findings.

Good luck on your drug test


What can he used to pass a drug test?

hi my boyfriend just got promoted to be campany at his job he smoke weed a lot they want him to take a hair sample what can he used to pass the test they need 75 strings of hair from his head

What can he used to pass a drug test?

He's busted. They need to know this about him before they make the investment. This is important for them.


What can he used to pass a drug test?

i'm sorry he shouldn't be doing it in the first place =S

What can he used to pass a drug test?

Hair will show drug presence for 3 months or more. Refuse the test. It is an invasion of privacy. Fight the power.

What can he used to pass a drug test?

He could live a clean lifestyle and try again in a year.

What can he used to pass a drug test?

No way to fool a hair or blood test, urine is easy to fool.

Wait, a few months weed clean.

THC in Hair?

I will be taking a drug test in January of 2008 sometime. If i quit smoking now (i am a occasional smoker) will I be able to pass a hair folicule test? I am not sure if it is hair or urine test. and also do the over the counter shampoos work for the hair test? and if they do does it serve for long term or does it just work for a couple of hours/days? thanks

THC in Hair?

In short, no. Hair folicles keep history from soon after you were born up until recent. There's no shampoo or anything that will help as they use the part of the hair from inside your head. Urine tests are easy, though.

THC in Hair?

If you quit now.....youll have no problem passing

THC in Hair?

when you go to barber save hair clippings and smoke them in a pipe

THC in Hair?


THC in Hair?

THC stays in your hair as it grows, nothing works for the hair test,but letting your hair grow out and then having it cut. Stop now and let your hair grow a little long once or twice before getting it cut. Then cut it right before your test in January.

THC in Hair?

You have plenty of time between now and then. The tests used by most labs only go back approximately 90 days. To answer your other question, though, there is no way to wash the THC out of your hair. The only option is to shave it off, but remember that body hair is perfectly acceptable for the tests as well.

THC in Hair?

Is it very unlikely you will get a hair test. A judge has to order a court order to do a hair test.

Check-out this website scroll to the bottom it tells how long it stays in your hair and urine. Hope this helps a ton.


THC in Hair?

If you are taking a drug test in January, you shouldn't have any problems providing that you quit. The hair test is usually more accurate, but regardless, you should be fine by then. Don't take a chance with shampoo's etc., since they aren't foolproof. If you really want that job, quit smoking now.

THC in Hair?

Most drugs can only be tested for in hair follicles up to 90 days.

THC in Hair?

Hey there,

I could be wrong, but I believe the hair test has more to do with what's inside the hair as opposed to what's on the hair, thus leaving shampoo as an ineffective solution for your problem.

Additionally, when I had my hair test done a few years ago I believe they said it can detect THC from several years before. Once again, I could be mistaken.

In any event, I would see what others post here and maybe do a little research on the net. You could even call a testing facility anonymously and see what they say.

Good luck!

THC in Hair?

Urine tests usually are clear after 10-14 days (for occasional users, longer for chronic users). Hair samples can't be altered. Depending on how often you've had your hair cut (if it hasn't been cut in a while, it could actually show use from YEARS ago) it will always come up on a screening. My advice? Quit smoking now... have your hair either shaved, or cut very close to the scalp. Then in 3 months do it again. The affected hair should have plenty of time to grow out and be removed. But your best advice (whether it's for a urine screen or hair follicle screen) is to stop using, and to be honest on your questionnare. If they ask the last date of use, be honest. Don't say you've never used.

THC in Hair?

most companies will only give you a piss test, unless it's a high security and/or government agency.

piss tests 30 days after last time you smoked and you should be fine. Drink alot of water if you worried it might get it out a little quicker.

Hair takes 3-5 years I think, because they test inside the hair follicle I hear and they can tell from that.

THC in Hair?

Tell them you didn't inhale.

THC in Hair?

No,you will not pass. The hair follicule test can show drugs,even alcohol,for the past 6 months, if not longer.

Does Anyone Here Work For The MBTA?? If So I Would Like To Ask Some Questions Pertaining To The Drug

I Want To Know How The Drug Test Are. Hair Samples? Piss Test? How Is It Conducted

Does Anyone Here Work For The MBTA?? If So I Would Like To Ask Some Questions Pertaining To The Drug Tests?

If you have to ask, do not apply for the job. The tests are to see if you do drugs. Period. If you do, please don't go to work for the MBTA. They don't want to hire people who use drugs.


Drug testing at the Federal Reserve NY?

Please, can anyone that works at the federal reserve bank of new york tell me what kind of drug testing they use? I have heard some ppl say hair testing? But do they also do urine tests???

Drug testing at the Federal Reserve NY?

Hair tests. They may ask for a urine test too. They are allowed to ask for both if they want.

Can one line of cocaine show up in a hair test if it was about 95 days ago?

I don't do drugs at all. However, I was at a friend of a friends house party and I found out after I drank one of my beers that one of them put a line of cocaine in it. I'm not exactly sure how much was in it but it was probably only a small line. Now I'm getting hair tested on tuesday and I can lose a very good job if I fail. Will I pass my test?

Can one line of cocaine show up in a hair test if it was about 95 days ago?

Most likely you will NOT pass, if anyone says you will they are wrong. My sister does drug testing for aliving, she knows!

Can one line of cocaine show up in a hair test if it was about 95 days ago?

A strand test can go back as far as 6-9months

Can one line of cocaine show up in a hair test if it was about 95 days ago?

It's possible, sweetie, sorry.

Can one line of cocaine show up in a hair test if it was about 95 days ago?

My teacher once said they can trace up to years with a strand of hair.

Can one line of cocaine show up in a hair test if it was about 95 days ago?

Depends on how short you keep your hair. If it is short enough most likely not- otherwise yes.

Am former meth user. 3 yrs clean. hair test pos. both times 3wks. apart. 2nd w/ 1500ppms less . why

I have hep.c %26amp; 2 cysct on my liver. i was on interferon w/ good results 3 yrs ago. in 2 yrs i have had urine test %26amp; 5 of them were pos also for meth. but when sent to lab for further test were neg.. the mmp amnt. in hair was 2400 mmps.on 1st test. 2nd test 3wks later 1054. this raised brows from med. examiner. he doesnt know what could cause the dramatic drop so soon. could my liver be releasing drugs that i have uused so heavily before 3 yrs ago. i read something abount this,along time ago but can not remember where.Please help me to releive my mind.

Am former meth user. 3 yrs clean. hair test pos. both times 3wks. apart. 2nd w/ 1500ppms less . why pos.?

By any chance do you take pseudoephedrine for allergies? This can produce false positives for methamphetamine in drug tests. Other allergy medicines can possibly do the same, since some drug tests search for drug metabolites in addition to the drug itself.


Am former meth user. 3 yrs clean. hair test pos. both times 3wks. apart. 2nd w/ 1500ppms less . why pos.?



How long until weed shows up in hair?

I have no smoked in 8 months. I smoked on sat night and got an unexpected drug test monday today. It was a hair test will the weed show up as positive since i smoked saturday. Or will it show up negative becuase i have not smoked in hella long.

How long until weed shows up in hair?

Depends how sloppy you are rolling it.

Seriously, though: If they test the follicle it will show up. Hair grows about 1/2 inch per month so you *had* about 4 inches of pot-free hair. But you blew it by toking up again. Karma, dude.

How long until weed shows up in hair?

Oh, yeah. BUSTED.

How long until weed shows up in hair?

it will be positive

good luck :(

How long until weed shows up in hair?

There are drinks you can buy and shampoos you can buy at head shops to rid them out of your system. I have never tried them so I don't know how well they work. Good luck. It will show up.

How long until weed shows up in hair?

unless they got the root, you should be safe.

Is it a way to passing a hair analysis drug screen that will help a person that smoked weed 2 months

My husband's job is being bought out by another company and one of his friends was smoking weed around Thanksgiving. And he is worried, he will not pass the hair analysis drug screen. I heard that there is a shampoo that you wash your hair with before you take the test. Is this true or not? If so where do you get this stuff? If not, what can he do to pass the test and keep his job?

Is it a way to passing a hair analysis drug screen that will help a person that smoked weed 2 months before?

CHIPPY need to quit smokin!!! LOL

Gimmie 10 points! They answers aint make sense no way. And ol' girl dumb as hell how u gonna walk in the office smelling like BLEACH!!

Is it a way to passing a hair analysis drug screen that will help a person that smoked weed 2 months before?

go Kojak!

Is it a way to passing a hair analysis drug screen that will help a person that smoked weed 2 months before?

McDonald's is hiring.

And if he shaves all the body hair (including eyebrows, pubic hair, butt hair, toe hair and nose hair) they'll consider it a refusal to test.

Just say no!

Is it a way to passing a hair analysis drug screen that will help a person that smoked weed 2 months before?

OH NO!!!!! Had it happen to me and lost a wonderful job over it!!!! THC,the component in weed, stays in your hair follicles for up to 25 years!!! He needs to over process his hair really fast or he's just screwed!!! It's better that he quit and terminate his self than having that on your record of employment!!! I learned the HARD way to just say no,after smoking almost everyday for the past 5 years!! Hope he has a nest egg to fall back on!!

Is it a way to passing a hair analysis drug screen that will help a person that smoked weed 2 months before?

Ok I haven't heard of any shampoo that washes out this since it is in the bloodstream,and it comes through your hair follicles. Then also if the test do not have to be by the hair follicles,and just the regular urine test, he can put a touch of Clorox on his finger and when he urinates let it run on his finger that he soaked in Clorox and that should do the trick, and then to Stop smoking

Does anyone know if Affiliated Computer Services uses hair or urine to do pre employment drug testin

Every place that I worked at, if they require the test, it was always urine test.

Does any1 know of any place in Vancouver, Bc-Canada that does hair testing for drugs?

I need to find a place to have hair test completed for court,

Does any1 know of any place in Vancouver, Bc-Canada that does hair testing for drugs?

I'm in Ontario and I've had hair analysis done at a naturopathic centre. Not sure if that would hold up in court though. What about the local Health Unit or Provincial Health Lab? They could point you in the right direction.

Does Union Pacific Railroad take hair or urine sample for pre employment drug testing in Nebraska?

since everyone else is telling you the truth im going to lie. (Crap i just told you the truth) No you wont get a piss test and when you are operating the train they will give you a rig and spoon so you can rig up some heroin. once you have done that you might want to follow it up with an upper and do a line of blow off the control panel of the engine. make sure you go in for your interview with a fat sack so you can share. this will definatley get you some bonus points with the boss. afterwards ask the boss if he wants to go get some drinks with you. tell him you have the shakes and it is time for a drink. make sure you get shitfaced so that he knows you have no problem drinking.

Does Union Pacific Railroad take hair or urine sample for pre employment drug testing in Nebraska?

Yes of course. They fall under extemely strict DOT guidlines as do the truckers on our highways.

PS Liability insurance figures into it but they have to pee test because of the federal government. Would you wan't a doped up drunk operating a train near at you?

Does Union Pacific Railroad take hair or urine sample for pre employment drug testing in Nebraska?

Absolutely -- and you have to pee in the cup in front of the doctor too..

Those are the strict guidelines -- the railroads don't want druggies -- their employees have to much responsibility to be doping and screwing up on the job.

Does Union Pacific Railroad take hair or urine sample for pre employment drug testing in Nebraska?

They have to for their liability insurance. Clean up man then go for it!

Does Union Pacific Railroad take hair or urine sample for pre employment drug testing in Nebraska?

RR ? You betcha they do ! after that "Amtrak" mess, they pp test, I know how ya feel, I just got out of the PP test after years, it's so stupid, everyone just waits for a three day week end, and then uses cocaine (Only stays in the system 2 days). This is a lame attempt from politicians, and insurance company's to say they are doing something to stop drug abuse. Why don't we drug test everyone that drives a car ? does it hurt less if you get into a car accident than a train accident ? It also violates constitutional rights (4th and 5th amendments)" Illegal search and seizure" as well violating "Miranda rights" "being used to" testify against yourself". Law makers and politicians did what they do best and "Sidestepped" the law by making you sign a piece of paper agreeing to this. We should be running them out of town with pitch forks, and torches, instead, we just shrug our shoulders and say "That's the way it is now". They are only your employer, they do NOT have the right to tell you what to do in your spare time. The next time someone asks me if I would mind taking a piss test for employment, I'm going to tell them "Sure, if you drink my sample" !

Does Union Pacific Railroad take hair or urine sample for pre employment drug testing in Nebraska?

Depends on the position. But all positions will be tested in some manner.

Question about drug testing?

I have to take a drug test for a job, and I was told that it would take 24 to 48 hours to get the results back. Is this a normal amount of time for a urine test, or does it seem likely that it could be a hair test? I have smoked marijuana one time, approximately 1 1/2 to 2 months ago (with no intention of doing it again) so I know I would pass a urine test, but now I'm nervous that it might be a hair test. Thanks!

Question about drug testing?

It will be a urine test. If you're worried in the least about the marijuana you smoked, drink a lot of fluids prior to the test to make your urine as dilute as possible.

Question about drug testing?


Question about drug testing?

When I had to have a urinalysis for my current job, they were able to get results right then and there.

Question about drug testing?

employment drug testing is the easier kind. they dont violate your rights by watching you. get some for sure clean pee put in a small container strap it to you leg or just put in your pocket. be carefull not to get caught. its no big deal they are not there to bust you just process the order.

Question about drug testing?

Hair test. Much more efficient and they know it stays in the hair folicles longer than a urine sample. Sorry, but if it's a hair test you could be screwed.

Question about drug testing?

that seems pretty normal for a piss test.. usually will take longer if the first time they run it they see something funny or its inconclusive... i would think a hair analysis takes a lot longer. but i dont have experience with hair... i like the mouth swab.... i had smoked two weeks prior to taking the (SURPRISE) test and they said i was fine... i could work... It was awesome... anyway, GOOD LUCK!!!

Hey does anyone know the limitations of a government hair follicle test?

I know the standard hair follicle test is limited to a year of detecting drug use. My girlfriend claims the test used by the federal government is able to detect drug usage from years back. Im not sure. The whole Britney Spears shaving the head thing spurred this conversation. Can anyone help? Thanks.

Hey does anyone know the limitations of a government hair follicle test?

A clever dentist(?) determined that Napoleon had been poisoned with arsenic while exiled on the Isle of Elba. They had an authentic hair sample that had been taken from his head at death and preserved. When the hair was bombarded (with neutrons?) the hair irradiated in such a way that the constituents of the hair could be evaluated. The hair increased in strength for arsenic monthly, about the time that a bottle of his favorite wine arrived from the mainland. Examining the hair along its length provided a time line. If the hair is ground up only an average exposure to ingested chemicals during the growth period for the length of hair could be determined.

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

I am willing to help out a teenager that has been thrown out of his home for smoking marijuana, but I have been told by his mom that he takes something to come out clean everytime he is tested.... HELP!

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

Do you REALLY want to get involved like this? I wouldn't. He needs to live in a supervised program with counselors there that know how to handle kids like this. Hair tests are accurate but they need to be done by trained professionals. Contact the local department of social services about options for him. If he is under 18, then his mother cannot just kick him out anyway.

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

Yes, for marijuana (heavy smokers) sometimes up to 1 month.

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

yes it is.

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

one hair follicle will show drug usage for up to a year.

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

the most accurate out there

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

Anything a person has put in their body is in their hair. Not just on their head.

Are hair follicle tests accurate in detecting drug use?

Yes the hair folicle tests are accurate. My friend was in rehab and thats what they used. Good Luck Regards KG

What type of drug testing is required for a CNA class in California?

I've signed up for a class that starts in mid August, and it is required that all students pass a drug screen. Does anyone know whether it is a urine or hair test? I ask because I smoked pot once a month and a half ago, and I fear that a hair test is required. Thanks in advance, and yes, I know that smoking pot is not a good idea, and I don't intend doing it again. I'm just afraid that one stupid decision will affect the outcome of this test. Any advice?

What type of drug testing is required for a CNA class in California?

I'm sure its probably only a urine test. I also know that it takes a MINIMUM of 30 days for THC to leave you body. MY advice would be that ;

A) You do some exercise to help your body sweat it out. And

B) GET OFF THE WEED!!! Whether you smoke once a day or once a year, it still isn't good for you. Besides, if you make even the slightest mistake dispensing a prescription, they will probably send you in to take a random drug test.

Don't take this personal, but I hope this isn't your choice of career because you have a drug problem and you think this would be an

easy way to score some good dope. Just remember that you are putting other peoples lives in your own hands. But on a good note, good luck with school and your career in the medical field. There's a big demand for nurses.

What type of drug testing is required for a CNA class in California?

More military and hair follicle questions.?

Hello again, first off, I want to thank everyone for the helpful answers that were given. I didn't have time to ask more info last time, so here it is. Does the military give the same urinalysis or "piss test" drug tests to both enlisted men and officers or do they give officers different drug tests like hair follicle tests? From the info I have found so far for my report, in the military officers to higher standards and more is expected of them. That閳ユ獨 why I wanted to include in my report if hair follicle tests are given to those with more responsibility, i.e. officers. In addition to what I have already asked, I also would like to know if hair follicle tests are given to officers, do they get them before they are allowed to go to officer candidate school for training and after while serving? Also, do drug testing procedures and types vary from branch to branch of the service or is it all uniform. Again, I thank all of you for your input. Hope this helps my group get an A

More military and hair follicle questions.?

I can't speak for the other services but the US Navy only uses urinalysis for drug use detection. Officers and enlisted are tested at the same rate randomly and as part of transfers or special all unit tests.

More military and hair follicle questions.?

Only urine and blood samples are used. However, I would imagine if the specific need for a follicle test was required it would be an option

So i smoked like over a month ago and never done any other kind of drugs can I pass a hair follicle

I have a job interview in like a week and they do a hair follicle test that goes back a year is there anything i can do to pass the test?

So i smoked like over a month ago and never done any other kind of drugs can I pass a hair follicle test?

it will more than likely pick up traces of marijuana smoke in your hair. unless you cut off all but 1/3 of an inch of your hair, it will more than likely be detected.. But that would be pretty suspicious. lol

So i smoked like over a month ago and never done any other kind of drugs can I pass a hair follicle test?

no there is nothing you can do but cut your hair off.

when they test your hair the professionals can tell exactly when you did drugs and what drug.

they can look at it under a microscope or do testing and see how far down in the hair folice the drug "residue" or whatever is and they can tell how long ago you did the drug.

So i smoked like over a month ago and never done any other kind of drugs can I pass a hair follicle test?

I believe the hair folical test can detect anything that you have done for the past 7 years and cutting your hair wont make a difference because they use the root of the hair as well. I do believe there is a shampoo you can get and it may be off the internet though. And I think it is only good for one use.

What kind of drug testing does THE HOME DEPOT do ????? hair, urine, oral ???

Non-DOT urine test

What kind of drug testing does THE HOME DEPOT do ????? hair, urine, oral ???

i suggest you quit doing drugs

What kind of drug testing does THE HOME DEPOT do ????? hair, urine, oral ???

I'm not too sure about what kind of drug testing the Home Depot does. But I'm pretty sure that they'll take a urine sample. That's the most common test anyway.

What kind of drug testing does THE HOME DEPOT do ????? hair, urine, oral ???

Most companies take a urine sample...so don't go buying vinager and drinking it because it doesn't work. You may be able to bluff your way through it if you quit for a week or two.

If they take a hair test then it shows up for like 7-10 years.

If you do get the job at home depot then I would quit the drugs because the drug tests are random.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

I went to a dance club 2 nights ago and there were people smoking weed. I have never smoked weed in my entire life, but now my hair smells like smoke, and the scent of marijuana that night was fairly strong. I have to take a drug test tomorrow for a law enforcement agency. Will this cause me to fail it? Hope not.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

Passive inhalation of marijuana. In general, routine passive exposure to marijuana smoke will not result in a positive result for carboxy-THC. Only under unrealistic conditions, a person may test positive for carboxy-THC, but concentrations are generally below the routine cut off levels.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

Here is the problem. You went to this dance club and the minute you noticed that there were illegal drugs there----you should have left immediately. But you didn't. I don't think you are ready for any kind of law enforcement. You can't go to these clubs and hang out with illegal drug users when you are a police officer. Seems to me that the clubs are much more important to you than a career.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

i believe so, becuase you were breathing it in. suggestion for today: drink lots and lots of water and cranberry juice, that should clean out your system somewhat. plus because you were not actually inhaling it directly there shouldn't be much of it in your system.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

Probably not.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

It depends on the tests used. I'm sure it's not the end if you do fail.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

I really don't think it will cause you to fail. Such a small amount will not stay in your system that long.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?


You should disclose this. Be upfront and say "I was in a dance club 2 days ago and people were smoking week. I was not."

Then, let them decide what they want to do with this information. If you're lucky, they'll look at the test results with that in mind.

If you're not lucky, they won't believe you, will be overly critical of your test results, or be concerned about your judgment because you staying in a club with people smoking weed.

However, if you don't disclose this and it does show up, you won't get a chance to explain yourself.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

No, it has to stick to your fat cells. For you, you could even smoke once and not fail. And to the guy who said you should have left as soon as you noticed it, what an ignorant jerk. Just because someone ELSE is doing something illegal doesnt mean you shouldnt be able to go out and enjoy the band/music/nightlife you are into. What are you supposed to do, are you THEIR mother???? What an idiot. and good luck, but youll be fine. These will be qualified chemists, they will be able to tell instantly that your not a drug user from your urine test.

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

you would have to inhale and aweful lot of second hand smoke for it to show up. I actually asked a dr about this and he said you would have to be in a room with over 100 people all blowing smoke right into your face for there to be any problems

Can second hand smoke cause you to fail a drug test?

nope..sure you pass the test...it'll take a lot of inhaling for it to show up in the test...the smell...however...just a smell...who cares..

Any Krogers employees or anyone familiar with oral drug tests?

Here is my deal:

I have a job at Krogers lined up pending the results of a background check and a drug test and some kinda training thing all taking place next week.

I have searched online and found that Krogers uses a oral drug test in-house rather than sending you to a urine/blood/hair test. What does this check for? Just illegal drugs, correct? I am perfectly clean of all illegal drugs but i'm concerned about getting a false positive from some of the over the counter body building sups I use...... I don't take steriods or anything illegal but i'm on a nice mix of sups.......

Would these show up on the test? I'll just take a list of what I use and I guess request a legit test if I fail there in house..


Any Krogers employees or anyone familiar with oral drug tests?

None of your sups should show up on the drug test but it's always a good idea to take a list of what you are taking just in case. Make sure to not take anything perscription that doen't have your name on it.

Drink lost of water and if anything does show up it's always a good idea to contest it. It will require a blood test but lots of times whatever showed up in house doesn't show on the blood test.

For anyone who works, has worked, or knows anyone at Ruby Tuesday. Do you have to take a drug test f

if so is it a urine, hair, or cotton swab test?

For anyone who works, has worked, or knows anyone at Ruby Tuesday. Do you have to take a drug test for the job

if thay did they woldnt have any employees

For anyone who works, has worked, or knows anyone at Ruby Tuesday. Do you have to take a drug test for the job

I wouldn't be surprised if you did have to take one, however the easiest method would be to simply call them and ask.


How do you pass a hair test if you have been using drugs?

used cocaine %26amp; marijuana

How do you pass a hair test if you have been using drugs?

I'm sorry, but you can't. Some will try to sell you an $80 bottle of shampoo, but it does not work. Once the lab gets your hair follicle, they melt it. They then test the melted follicle. There is no way to "fool" the test.

Also, if you get the bright idea to shave your head, you will actually make things worse. Drugs will remain in your head hair for approx. three months. If you have no head hair, they will take pubic hair or chest hair or arm hair. Drugs can remain in those hairs for up to five years.

As lame as it sounds, stay clean for atleast 3 and half months, then take the test. Good luck.

How do you pass a hair test if you have been using drugs?

sorry you cant do anything about drugs in your hair. it is in your hair and there is no way to wash it out.

How do you pass a hair test if you have been using drugs?

Sorry...you're screwed.

How do you pass a hair test if you have been using drugs?

Wow, surprised no one thought of this... Shave all your hair off.

Any Krogers employees or anyone familiar with oral drug tests? I do NOT use illegal drugs but......?

PLEASE no comments about the job being crappy or anything like that. THANKS! :)

Here is my deal:

I have a job at Krogers lined up pending the results of a background check and a drug test and some kinda training thing all taking place next week.

I have searched online and found that Krogers uses a oral drug test in-house rather than sending you to a urine/blood/hair test. What does this check for? Just illegal drugs, correct? I am perfectly clean of all illegal drugs but i'm concerned about getting a false positive from some of the over the counter body building sups I use...... I don't take steriods or anything illegal but i'm on a nice mix of sups.......

Would these show up on the test? I'll just take a list of what I use and I guess request a legit test if I fail there in house..


Any Krogers employees or anyone familiar with oral drug tests? I do NOT use illegal drugs but......?

The Rapid Drug Screen閳?test is unrivaled in the marketplace for its ease of use. Rapid Drug Screen閳?provides inexpensive and proven results in five minutes. It tests for five illicit drugs and utilizes a safe and effective design, which protects the test administrator from any specimen contact. Our drug testing kit performs the following tests:

Cocaine testing

Opiate testing

PCP testing

Marijuana testing

Amphetamine testing

For more information on this site just click on the link below?

Hair tests for drugs?

i know if you eat certain seeds then it will show up in a uine test as positive for marijuana, what i am wondering, if you eat these seeds (poppy i think) will they show up in a hair test as marijuana?? any links would be great!!!

Hair tests for drugs?

The consumption of poppy seeds used in bagels and muffins can produce positive results on drug screening tests.













Below are sites for hair testing for the THC in marijuana:





Hair tests for drugs?

poppy seeds show up as opiates not marijuana

i don't know if it will show up as an opiate in an hair test but all they need to do is test the volume of it and see that it is the seeds not a drug

Hair tests for drugs?

If you eat enough poppy seeds (like 2 rolls) then it will show up as opiates (like heroin).

Opiates are made from poppy seeds.

Hair tests for drugs?

Poppy silly will show up as Opium, which is what opium comes from..

Hair tests for drugs?

Generally, the threshold for drug testing isn't sensitive enough to detect anything illegal substance in your hair if eaten in seed form. Poppy seeds are used to manufacture heroine, not marijuana. Even being exposed (second hand) to marijuana, the threshold won't be met on a hair test. Urine tests detect anything in the system from 4-7 days. Hair tests can detect anything in the system for up to 6 months. Just stay clean, and you should be ok. Don't so anything to upset the apple cart, so to speak.

Hair tests for drugs?

Substances that cause False Positive Drug Test Results

THC - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives

Dronabinol (Marinol)

Ibuprofen; (Advil, Nuprin, Motrin, Excedrin IB etc)

Ketoprofen (Orudis KT)

Kidney infection (Kidney disease, diabetes) Liver Disease

Naproxen (Aleve)

Promethazine (Phenergan, Promethegan)

Riboflavin (B2, Hempseed Oil)

Amphetamines - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives

Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine

(Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc)

Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil

Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine

(Dexatrim, Accutrim)

Over-the-counter nasal sprays

(Vicks inhaler, Afrin)

Asthma medications

(Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets)

Prescription medications

(Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone, phendimetrazine, phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine,dexdenfluramine,Redux, mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine,amineptine, Pholedrine, hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex,fenproyorex, mefenorex, fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin,pemoline, Cylert, selegiline, Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone)

Kidney infection

kidney disease

Liver disease


Opiates - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives

Poppy Seeds

Tylenol with codeine

Most prescription pain medications

Cough suppressants with Dextromethorphan (DXM)


Kidney infection, Kidney Disease

Diabetes, Liver Disease

Ecstacy - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives

Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, propylephedrine, phenylephrine, or desoxyephedrine

(Nyquil, Contact, Sudafed, Allerest, Tavist-D, Dimetapp, etc)

Phenegan-D, Robitussin Cold and Flu, Vicks Nyquil

Over-the-counter diet aids with phenylpropanolamine

(Dexatrim, Accutrim)

Over-the-counter nasal sprays

(Vicks inhaler, Afrin)

Asthma medications

(Marax, Bronkaid tablets, Primatine Tablets)

Prescription medications

(Amfepramone, Cathne, Etafediabe, Morazone,phendimetrazine, phenmetrazine, benzphetamine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, dexdenfluramine,Redux, mephentermine, Mesocarb, methoxyphenamine, phentermine, amineptine, Pholedrine, hydroymethamphetamine, Dexedrine, amifepramone, clobenzorex, fenproyorex, mefenorex, fenelylline, Didrex, dextroamphetamine, methphenidate, Ritalin, pemoline, Cylert, selegiline, Deprenyl, Eldepryl, Famprofazone)

Kidney infection

kidney disease

Liver disease


Cocaine - Substances or Conditions which can cause false positives

Kidney infection (kidney disease)

Liver infection (liver disease)


Amoxicillin, tonic water

Hair tests for drugs?

poppy seeds will make you test positive for opium NOT marijuana. To my knowledge, no one has ever tested positive for marijuana by eating marijuana seeds.

What kind of drug tests do they do for family court in S.C.? and some other random questions.?


What kind of drug tests do they do for family court in S.C.? and some other random questions.?

make sure hair is only 1/2" per clean month. Take your prescription. with you. I wouldn't worry about dose or mention it at all. (bad idea)

The judge knows background and considers history less than seven years.

If you've been stable as long as can prove. You need to stick up for your self.The judge doesnt know of special circumstances, if any, which you need to tell or explain. You can say or answer things other than yes/no sir,your honor. Speak up. Because they will not ask for detail or "if you brought proof"

good luck

What kind of drug tests do they do for family court in S.C.? and some other random questions.?

urine test.

What kind of drug tests do they do for family court in S.C.? and some other random questions.?

they usually do a simple urine sample. hair tests are usually done for those who want to work in that field. i would take your prescription with you jsut incase a small percent of it shows up so you have proof. tahts what they usually ask you to d when you take a drug test. and about the sleep thing tell your doctor so they can see what they can do about that.

Arm pit hairs in drug testing???

When the hair on my head was too short, they took hair from my arm pit...how does this work and since it's never been cut before, how much trouble am I in???

Arm pit hairs in drug testing???

lol. Pretty darn accurate. They can even tell the month that you did a drug. I'd say you need to start looking for fast-food jobs, or plan on a probation violation. Most states, however, only go back 3 months, so....

Arm pit hairs in drug testing???

dont worry, it will adopt to th new environment, and try me as the best answer

Arm pit hairs in drug testing???

Depends how many times you did drugs.Most places I have heard prefer to use body hair instead of hair from your head because most times it hasn't been cut.Alot of people figure if they cut their hair,they can't be tested which isn't true.All they need is one hair from somewhere on your body.And you can't get rid of them all.

Arm pit hairs in drug testing???

better get the want ads dude.Hair is 99% accurate. They do make a shampoo, but it's a little late for that. Sometimes bleaching your hair will cover it up,buy that does not always work.

The shampoo runs about 30 to 50.00 you cxan use it as an all over soap on D/T days at work.

The chewing on a cotton ball also works well but as long as you don't wake-n-bake before work your fine.

if you have any questions on how to get your system clean shoot me an email and i can help you.

Arm pit hairs in drug testing???

your hair is made up of proteins and has your whole history of anything that is entered into your body.. food, drugs, etc. it can also give a history of how healthy your body has been

How long would I have to not smoke weed, to pass a mouth, or piss drug test?

I have not smoked in about 3 weeks and was just wondering if I would be able to pass a drug test, it will be either a mouth one or piss, no hair bull ****.

How long would I have to not smoke weed, to pass a mouth, or piss drug test?

The Marijuana Drug Test detection time-urinalysis

Light smoker or acute dosage 1-3 days

Moderate use (4x / week) 3-5 days

Heavy smoker (daily) 10 days

Heavy, chronic use (5+ joints/day) 10-21+ days

Oral ingestion 1-5 days

Historical studies have shown a window of detection for THC in oral fluid of up to 14 hours after drug use

How long would I have to not smoke weed, to pass a mouth, or piss drug test?

a month or take laxatives

How long would I have to not smoke weed, to pass a mouth, or piss drug test?

With the exception of hair, it always stays in your urine longer than in your blood (I don't know about saliva) %26amp; most companies will opt for a urine test just because it's cheaper.

How long would I have to not smoke weed, to pass a mouth, or piss drug test?

If you smoke weekly, it takes 3-9 days to get out of the system. If you smoked daily, it would take longer, between 7-30 days, depending.

Is there a way to get THC out of your hair quicker than 90 days?

A hair sample drug test can only go back the last 90 days leagaly for employment.

Is there a way to get THC out of your hair quicker than 90 days?

don't smoke/consume (brownies/butter/jam/ect).

of course i also don't miss being broke either. its just a question your going to have to ask yourself, and some growing up your going to have to do.

Is there a way to get THC out of your hair quicker than 90 days?

Shave it off and stay clean, MEANING don't smoke any more mj since it's not good for you anyway.

Is there a way to get THC out of your hair quicker than 90 days?

Yes, strip your hair with a hair color stripper then color it if you wish. You will find your hair will be thc free.

Is there a way to get THC out of your hair quicker than 90 days?

No there really isn't,cause if they test your hair and it has excessive chemicals in it they automatically rule that it's a positive result,and the same goes if you shave your head.Besides in some cases if you shave your head they can take hair from any place on your body there is hair.Your best chance is to stop using now and try and pass it in another 90 days

What kind of drug test does federal administration aviation take?

I wanted to know what kind or what type of drug test does the federal administration of aviation take to become an air traffic controller?

Example: urine, blood, hair?

What kind of drug test does federal administration aviation take?

Urine and blood.

Does the Navy test the Hair follicles for drugs?

they can if they suspect you of prolonged usage you will be kicked out if both tests come up positive

Does the Navy test the Hair follicles for drugs?

No. They might if their results were questionable, but not automatically. They aren't that weird.

Does the Navy test the Hair follicles for drugs?

no, its expensive so just pee and get caught like everyone else who does drugs.

Does the Navy test the Hair follicles for drugs?


When there is a drug test ordered by the court which kind is it?

When you go to court for custity and one party said the other does drugs is it a urine test that would be given or a hair folicla?

When there is a drug test ordered by the court which kind is it?

It is up to the judge and will probably be based on drug history.

When there is a drug test ordered by the court which kind is it?

It's the one in the yellow package.

Can you test postive for thc if someone around you does it.?

i recently failed a hair follicle drug test but i havent dont that in almost a yr i was not so smart when i was younger, but i have been around people that do this could that cause me to fail.

its for an automotive job.

Can you test postive for thc if someone around you does it.?

I would think


due to second hand smoke, and if you were close enough for it to drift onto your person (hair)

best thing is to not be around others, who partake in this habit. FOR SEVERAL REASONS

Can you test postive for thc if someone around you does it.?

NO. Check out this site. Lots of stoners asking questions today

How long doesa drug stay in your hair and what to do if your being hair tested?

and what to use to get rid of the problem

How long doesa drug stay in your hair and what to do if your being hair tested?


stay off the drugs you crack head. hope this helps :)

How long doesa drug stay in your hair and what to do if your being hair tested?

shouldnt be doing drugs in the first place, thats for the weak minded. sorry

How long doesa drug stay in your hair and what to do if your being hair tested?

There is no way to avoid showing up positive if you have been using in the past month. You are SOL. Please look at my answer on your previous version of this question.

Hey Gretchen, I smoke weed on occasion. I am finishing a phd in molecular biology. What do YOU do?

How long doesa drug stay in your hair and what to do if your being hair tested?

idk how long it stays in ur hair but prolly a long time tho i think thats why britney spears shaved her head

and i dont kno if this works or not but someone told me if u drink vinager and u wash ur hair with it that it will make it so drugs dont show up in a drug test i never tried it so i dont kno from experience thats just wat someone told me ( =

How long doesa drug stay in your hair and what to do if your being hair tested?

Forever, must cut it all off!

Viniger to pass a drug test? ya, think?

I was reading up on those Kinoki foot pad things on the net and this "neurotoxicologist" believes that its a sham and was sheding some light on it. anyway in the middle of it he says this:

"I'm a neurotoxicologist at Ohio State University.............. this too is easly explained, ask any drug user trying to pass a drug test. Vinager shuts down the kidneys, thus preventing the passing of any toxins into the urine or any other deposit location of toxins, including hair, for a short period of time. ..... If you wish to get the same effect, drink a cup of vinager a day but dont do it for too long, its not healthy, ..."

so, i was just wandering if it works? to drink viniger before a drug test and actually pass, when you actually did take drugs? don't get me wrong i would never do drugs...especially before a drug test (duh). just curious. = P

lol. i put it under alternative medacine. lmao XD

Viniger to pass a drug test? ya, think?

this doesn't work. The best way to pass is to stop smoking right now and drink a ton of water every day up untill the test also excersising helps to get it out of your system. If you are really worried buy one of the drinks and yes they do test for these types of things to but the drinks have found ways to hide them selves. For every new way to bust a stoner and stoner has found a way around it. Long live Mary Jane.

Viniger to pass a drug test? ya, think?

I think not.

Sounds to me like you're high right now.

"ha-ha-ha "njdocisin".... if thats even your real name!!"

I rest my case

Viniger to pass a drug test? ya, think?

dont work

Viniger to pass a drug test? ya, think?

This guy is a neurotoxicologist and I guess he knows what he is talking about. I wish I had know that about a year ago when I really needed to pass a few tests. I went through some awful nasty remedies and to absolutely no avail. I'm off the drugs now and it doesn't matter anymore. They can test me if they want to anytime or anyway and I will pass. I would never have thought of using vinegar this way though. Interesting!

Viniger to pass a drug test? ya, think?

They caught on to people 'taking things to pass drug tests'

S0 NOW they test for THOSE things T00!!!

Viniger to pass a drug test? ya, think?

From one "friend" to another I prefer pickle juice.Never tried it b4 but i will soon enough.

Drug Test ???Please Help?

I am taking a drug test for a new employer, a couple of weeks ago I was with a gurlfriend of mine and she started smokin we were outdoors, she did step away ( a few feet) but in a caouple occasions the wind was blowing my direction and I can smell it , and we kissed a couplee of times after that, so my question is it my sound dumb but can I have it in my system for kissing her or receiving 2nd hand smoke? Please advise. Ive heard it can get in your hair and penetrate and stay in there I have very short hair a military cut if this makes any diffrence.and I have never b4 never smoked or been around anyone that smokes marijuana

Drug Test ???Please Help?

Relax, chill and don't worry about it -- you're clean and the test will reflect that. You really only kissed twice? Even if it was a LOT more, you're golden. Be happy.

Drug Test ???Please Help?

i think it only stays in your system for about three days, so you should be fine.

Drug Test ???Please Help?

Drink water water water water. you do fine

but drink water!

Drug Test ???Please Help?


If the test is a urine test you will be fine, but if it's a hair clipping you may not be safe. The hair clipping test is all telling and it will test back as far as 3 months. The urine test is only telling for about a week. Good luck.

Drug Test ???Please Help?

Hey... it probably wont be detected, you can never be sure. Before you consume some of those awful detox drinks, just get yourself tested secretly to know if you ARE gonna be caught.

There are peeps selling drug tests that you can do at home, like over here... I found this on amazon.. its a saliva test http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WMU...

There is another cocaine drug test over here... http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...

A urine drug test for marijuana here. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...

Just get yourself tested before starting to worry. A friend bought some tests over the net and he got results real quick and your company wont know unless they start filtering your personal snail mail.... ;)

Drug Test ???Please Help?

Unless you were consuming it yourself, there really shouldn't be anything to show up in your system a couple of weeks later. Word of caution - some testers are now also testing for some of these products that are supposed to mask drug use, and some will throw up a red flag if your urine is too watered down, both indicating you have something to hide and could cause issues. Don't freak out about it - you're fine... but again, only if you aren't the consumer yourself!

Oh, and ditch the g/f... you don't need a drug user in your life. If this freaked you out, imagine her getting busted and you getting taken along because you were there too. Just not worth the hassle.

Drug Test ???Please Help?

Passive inhalation of marijuana. In general, routine passive exposure to marijuana smoke will not result in a positive result for carboxy-THC. Only under unrealistic conditions, a person may test positive for carboxy-THC, but concentrations are generally below the routine cut off levels.

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

im going on a cruise to the bahammas[sp?] in febuary...and i don't know if my moms trying to scare me or what but she said they give you a drug test so you can get you're passport, and if you have any drugs in you're system they wont let you pass into another country.. i smoked weed on halloween.... and we have to go for a test in 3 weeks ... so she says. and i just wanted to know. do they give a follicle test if they even give a test? nand if they do give a follicle test will 3 weeks be long enough to get it out of my hair?

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

This is not true. They don't give a drug test for passports.

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

They don't give you a drug test.

Don't worry.

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

no test

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

No. drug test cost money and the government isn't going to spend it on urine screens for a passport. You're still high or something if you think they care.

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

no. y would they give u a drug test??? i guess ur mom knows something. lol

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

I m pretty sure that is a load of crap I didn't get a test when I got my pass port and we filled out all the papers at the post office and waited for it to turn up in the mail so maybe the laws are different were you are but it would cost the government a lot to do this so I don't think its true.

Do they give a drug test when getting a passport to another country?

there are no required drug tests for a passport. Your mother is giving you the gears. If she tells you you have to get a drug test she is lying and trying to get an illegal and unethical test done on you. refuse the test if she takes you somewhere and says you have to take it. she's lying.

Drug test question...?

I have to go for a drug test for a job (obviously) but they take a strand or sterands of hair. I smoke weed. the last time was about a month ago. how long is long enough for this procedure. Help!! I'm freakin out I really want this job and the "cleansing drink" is not gonna work!!

Drug test question...?

the hair test can reveal drug use for 6 months

Drug test question...?

actually as far as i know and i have taken many drug tests--the chemicals from drugs are always in your hair because they are in the follicles. i think your screwed.

Drug test question...?

if they take hair follicles then you may be in bad shape, this test can find a lot more than the standard urine test. it will hold the history so to speak of your drug use a lot longer, sorry

Drug test question...?

It all depends on the length of your hair your hair grows approx. 1/2" a month if you smoked weed while your hair was growing you have a strong possibility of failing Cut your hair short!!!!!!!!!! generally they only cut enough hair to go back a couple of months. And by the way don't waste your money on cleansing drinks for urine tests. There all based on water intake you can do the same thing with plain old tap water and maybe some b12 to color your urine.

For pre-employment drug screens where the hair is tested?

Can an employer legally take hair from any part of the body?

For pre-employment drug screens where the hair is tested?

I think that demanding to take pubic hair would be sexual harassment (because it would involve the employer seeking the person's genitals).

For pre-employment drug screens, they are allowed to require a urine sample, and taking hair from any part of the body other than pubic hair seems no more invasive to me than a urine sample.

For pre-employment drug screens where the hair is tested?

Probably at a private testing facility. Hair is clipped from your head.

For pre-employment drug screens where the hair is tested?

No they can not "take" a sample, but if you apply for a job and they do drug testing and you want that job you must "Give" them a sample.

For pre-employment drug screens where the hair is tested?

No, the head only!

For pre-employment drug screens where the hair is tested?

not from any part.. but from the head .. yep

Drug removal shampoo?

I took a hair strand drug test for employment and it came up positive for codeine which I was legally taking. I had the DR. write me a note but the company wouldn't budge. They have finally agreed to retest me but I am scared it will come up positive again. I've heard of a shampoo that removes the drugs from your hair. Has anyone tried it and does it work?

Drug removal shampoo?

There's no such thing. If you're taking codeine legally, consult an attorney. Depending on what kind of work you do and whether your use of cocaine presents a risk at work, it may be illegal for the company to penalize you for it. Good luck.

Drug removal shampoo?

Good for you! Hope you win your battle. It's great that you're not letting them get away with it.. Sorry I said cocaine. I was thinking that codeine is legal and they were acting as if it were cocaine. Oops. Report It

Drug removal shampoo?

cocaine is not legal, what the hell is that person saying? But I agree with the lawyer if it's only codeine

Drug removal shampoo?

Sorry but there isn't a shampoo that does that.

The company you applied to must really be anal if they are going as far as giving a hair test for drugs. Most companies use blood and urine test. They can't nail you for a drug that was prescribed and documented by your doctor, it's not an illegal drug and you weren't abusing it. They will try to nail you for it again at your next test as it will still be there again. It seems to me that they are trying to get out of hiring you and using the hair test results as an excuse. You have to ask yourself if you really want to work there, because it sounds like if they say no again and they propably will, telling them they will be hearing from your lawyer may be the only way you'll get it. Good Luck!

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

It covers a 90 day window and I was in a house where weed was smoked in, but not when I was there. I mean like the house smelled like it had been baked up plenty of times. There was no visible smoke, but I was wondering if I breathed in enough of something to cause me to fail the test. Its a great job opportunity where I will be making about 40k entry level. If you have any answers, I'd appreciate it. Thank you all and God bless.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

No. To rule out the possibility of external contamination,this kind of hair follicle testing looks for both parent %26amp; metabolite of drug usage. Drug metabolites can only be present as the result of direct consumption or intake into the body. For Marijuana analysis, the laboratory detects only the metabolite (THC-COOH). This metabolite is only produced by the body and cannot be an environmental contaminant.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

I think you'll be okay.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

If you're not meant to get the job, you're not meant to get the job. I wouldn't worry about it!

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

Sounds to me like you need to find a better place to hang out.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

dang. It is garenteed to come back positive for weed. sorry dude/

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

I've peed in a cup two days after smoking a joint and it came up clean. If something comes up, explain the situation. You've done nothing wrong, if they use that as an excuse then sue their asses to the moon.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

You shouldn't BE in this house, it'll ruin a HUGE chance to be something great, don't blow it by staying in this house! What's the chance of you catching a break like this again?

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

Just explain to them that you haven't been smoking weed, but you've been around a lot of people who have. Update us with how that went for you.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

trace amounts will be fine...but, sounds to me like you are finding an excuse to something you might have done a little of.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

You will be just fine! unless..........you have smoked the mary jane! it usually take about 2 weeks..

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

Sounds like your worrying too much,chill out and have a spliff.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

I think that there are a lot of variables involved. How long were you in the house? Did you feel a 'buzz?' How long ago was this?

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

oh yeah, like bill clinton...i didnt inhale

but seriously, if you didnt smoke, ur ok

the hair folicles will reveal past intake for just about any type of drug, including marijuana

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

You will pass if you did not inhale. It is a follicle test which means it must be in your system so, if you did not smoke you are fine. Just being in contact with it will not raise your THC levels

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

You got nothing to worry about unless you smoked a blunt.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

1. Find new friends, they will only bring you down!

2. Say you were in an environment where is was obvious that there was MJ and possibly MJ smoke in the air and you haven't been there since.

3. Find new friends

If you smoked, then you screwed yourself!

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

I asked a doctor this question before and he told me as long as there is air flow you will be fine. If you were in a house you will be fine. The doc told me that I would have to sit in a car for 4 hours with constant smoking to even get a small trace. You will get the contact buzz though.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

If you really are straight, and don't get high, then you're panicking for nothing. If you're this nervous now, then how jacked up are you going to be when you go for the test? The person who administers the test will certainly be able to notice if you are freaking out. You need to just calm down, take a few deep breaths, and let it go. Of course, you should probably say a few prayers anyway for insurance. God Bless You, too.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

A hair follicle test!? When did they start doing that? Isn't a urine test enough of an invasion of privacy? Should we ask the company to take a test to see what funds they are squandering of ours before we allow them to do business? I mean look at Qwest, Enron, and the like. Who should be testing whom?! Enjoy the 40K and find a new set of friends.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

I'm definitely not supportive of the use of any kind of illegal drugs, but I found this link. I can't say whether just being in the house would cause you to test positive or if the product in this link will work, but here it is. Good luck and stay clean:


I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

I read about your dilemma and I am pleased to tell you that you will be fine. That test will pose no obstacle to you getting hired. A hair follicle test is one of the most invasive of drug screens and possibly the most unfair. Since it covers the past 30-60 days, it shows more about what you have done than what you will do while employed. The hair follicle is alive while the hair itself is not. The hair follicle receives its nourishment from your blood supply, just like any other cell in your body. It represents any chemical present in your blood in measurable amounts during the time frame specified.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

If there were no real fumes you inhaled, you should be fine. Don't worry.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

Unless you were actually smoking, or ingesting drugs in some other manner, you should be fine. Follicle testing tests for use by the individual, not exposure. I'm telling you this as a former alcohol and drug counselor, and I'm pretty up on testing methods.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

I seriously doubt that excuse will work for a positive drug screen.

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

good luck to you my son is in same boat he does not smoke but has been around it he is waiting on his results now i think he has learned his lesson

I have a hair follicle test pre-employment for drugs. Am I screwed?

u will be ok, its impossible to fail a drug test from something like that, unless u ate the left over brownies that where in the kitchen but if ur worried look on google for a site called clear test, u get great shampoo that strips ur hair so nothing come up on drug tests.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I have to do a hair test soon, I've been clean since May of last year?

I have to do a hair test sometime next week and I haven't had a single drug (Mary Jane) in my body since May of last year. Ive cut my hair every month and right now it's about an inch and a half long. Think I will pass this or should I not even bother

I have to do a hair test soon, I've been clean since May of last year?

You will probably pass, however some drug use from a long time ago can still show up. It depends on what drugs you have taken. If they are testing for recent use, I wouldn't worry too much, especially if you have not taken anything.

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

Last time I went for a drug test, there was an issue over the height of my hair. I just don't want it to happen again.

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

Yeah if you want to be drug tested that same day

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

Certainly you can ask.

Indeed, they may even be required to tell you (it depends on your contract).

However, they may treat the question as reason to be suspicious and look further.

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

yes you can, you have the right to know what type of test the clinic will be performing, as well as what specific drugs that they are searching for.

And unless they were doing the drug test with hair follicles, I dont see why the height of your hair would be an issue. My wife has had drug tests done with hair. The drugs stay there longer.

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

absolutely. just ask!

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

i would explain that issue with your employer, they should be understanding.

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

It does look suspicious if you ask without explaining your reason, but if you explain there's nothing wrong with asking. Legally they have to tell you what you are consenting to.

Can one ask their employer what kind of drug test they will be preforming?

A tactful way to do it would be to bring it up during a phone call about an unrelated topic, and then say "oh, and I wanted to ask you about the drug test... I've never done one before, so what exactly does it entail?" Typical response will be "oh, they'll just be collecting a urine sample." If they ask you why you're asking, just say that you want to know what you're in for, and frankly you were curious whether needles would be involved, which you're kind of afraid of. Nothing suspicious about that.

Is there any way to cheat the hair test?

so the drug they are testing for does not show up

Is there any way to cheat the hair test?

if you are doing drugs, the test deserves to come out positive.

Is there any way to cheat the hair test?

Go bald.

Is there any way to cheat the hair test?

dont do drugs?

Is there any way to cheat the hair test?

No, there is no way to cheat that test! Been there, done that and nothing will work. The only thing in your favor is that at this point, the hair test cannot pinpoint the using period or narrow the time frame down to any less than a 3 month period of time. If that will help you, you can always admit to a relapse about 3 months ago for a couple of days or something like that. The test will not say that you used yesterday, today, 3 weeks ago or any specific date of usage, but it will show that you used at some point within the last 3 months, no volume or specific date. I know you may be thinking of shaving your head or something, but it won't work. They will just take the hair from some other place on your body and test it that way. If you've used within the last 3 months, then you are busted. So you can only attempt to come up with plan "B" for getting around the consequences. That is why I suggested a convenient relapse from 3 months ago. A good rebuttal is better than no rebuttal at all.
